How Do I Open A PDF?

Lucy Lucas

BA (Hons) Art and Design, Yr3
Lucy Lucas
BA (Hons) Art and Design, Yr3
A colour photograph showing two fabric collages on a white background. The collage on the right shows parts of a mens blazer that have been deconstructed. The fabric is in pieces and layered onto of one and other. A leopard print fabric replaces the body. The words 'Be Strong and Couragous' are written in pink on a white piece of fabric. In the fabric collage on the right the words 'you are perfect' are stitched in pink and written on off-white fabric. A photograph pf three women is printed onto fabric and layered underneath alongside other elements of a deconstructed mens blazer.
Deconstructed Femininity by Lucy Lucas

My practice is that of an activist, drawing attention to and campaigning for women’s rights. My work deconstructs both found textiles and the idea of femininity, reconstructing garments as collages to celebrate women and in particular, my mother and my nanna – the most important women in my life. My work is informed byfeminist writers such as Florence Givens, Judith Butler, Rebecca Solnit and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, I see my own work as an attempt to dismantle patriarchy, displaying fashion garments such as the suit jacket/blazer as a celebration of the feminine rather than as a symbol of masculine power.

My practice is inspired by my own personal story and my passion to empower women comes after being raped myself and finding power through trauma. I work in textiles as, historically, there is controversial link between fabric/clothing/textiles and sexual violence on women, where a woman’s clothing is used to defend and justify rape. I want the work to educate the audience on the contradictions and struggles women face, celebrate femininity, and encourage women to be powerful in a world where misogyny and sexual violence, cases like Sarah Everard and #Metoo, arealltoo common.

How Do I Open A PDF?

How Do I Open A PDF? is a virtual exhibition of works and ideas by graduates of BA (Hons) Art and Design. Covering a broad range of themes and contexts, the works explore what it means to operate as interdisciplinary artists and designers in 2021. There can be little doubt of the impact that Covid-19 has had a on this cohort, and yet, for all of the challenges, the students […]

Peers & Collaborators

Tianxi Bi
Tianxi Bi
How Do I Open A PDF?
The image shows two photographs and an image of a broach. The photographs show a young Chinese woman with long black hair wearing a black jumper. She has a broach that is shaped like a mobile phone and is made of soft fabric circles in orange and copper colours. IN the second photo a close up shows some hands holding a mobile phone with the broach visible on the models top.
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Mary Nocher
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