I was born and raised in South Korea. My practice explores the role of guardians (educators, teachers and parents) and how children grow by observing plants in nature. I aim to provoke viewers to think of the appropriate ways to guide and teach children by comparing the way humans grow with the growth of plants.
The title, “There is no wrong way”, alludes to the idea that just as there is no wrong way for a plant to grow, there is no wrong way for children to grow; only wrong environments and actions exist. All plants (like children) are different. As children grow into adults, those with the responsibility for looking after them could reflect on how to care for them by thinking about natural factors that surround plants. The components of “There is no wrong way” ask the audience to figure out their own answers to “what makes plants greener” (what makes children grow well) and “what does growth mean to you”. My work seeks to give time to viewers to explore their answers to the questions.