Adam Wynn

BA (Hons) Art and Design, Yr3
Adam Wynn
BA (Hons) Art and Design, Yr3

Adam is a multidisciplinary artist based in Birmingham.   

Still Life is an assemblage of reproduced ‘props’ that were present in Cooper’s last performance (in which he sadly suffered a heart attack on stage and later passed away). 

Abracadabra is a sound installation comprised of 27 different ‘magic words’.  When triggered by movement, one of the sound files will play at random through a set of speakers. 

Sleight of Hand is a projected video collage, consisting of cropped footage from Tommy Cooper performances between 1970-1980

Through the mediums of assemblage, sound and video collage, Adam explores the themes of ownership and appropriation.  All works within the exhibition are based on the life and performances of the late magician and comedian Tommy Cooper.


We are Art and Design. We challenge perspectives, uncover histories, speculate new ones, amplify marginalised voices, break down binaries, explore the not too distant future, ponder on the comforts of home, investigate social systems, capture the beauty of everyday, fight discrimination, travel through time and space, dream of alternate ways of life, redefine narratives, analyse ecology, prioritise intersectionality, practice community, communicate empowerment, unlearn prejudices, forge futures, greet misconceptions, invent histories, […]

Peers & Collaborators

Ruoming Gan
Ruoming Gan
#Historian #MA Arts and Project Management #Performance
Howard Carlton
Howard Carlton
Past Shows
#Engineer #Historian
Sharon Efomi
Sharon Efomi
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#Educator #Historian #Storyteller
A digital illustration showing a small boy by his bed. His mum is facing the wall so all we can see is her back. The woman and young boy are both African-Caribbean. The scene shows a boys bedroom, it is dark blue and there is a small desk and chair with a book shelf to its left.
Zhiqi Wen
Zhiqi Wen
Past Shows
#Activist #Storyteller