Fiona Spence Reid

MA Courses
Fiona Spence Reid
MA Courses
#MA Arts and Project Management
#MA Courses

I am a UK based creative practitioner, I thrive on new challenges, which is why after 25 years I decided to further my formal education, by studying towards an MA in Arts and Project Management at Birmingham City University School of Art.  After over 14 years working in the public sector, I am currently seeking a to develop my skillset. 

Amongst exploring many other creative avenues; I have experience of writing songs, singing and co-producing music. Over the last 2 years I have developed my interest in Social Practice and have used music and film to bring awareness to a wider audience of the persisting racism and its effects on those who experience it.  I believe the use of music and film is an extremely powerful way to express feelings. It is a great way to record a moment in time.   In this new venture my aim is to discover so much more about how I can use my creative skills to make a change.  


This is PHASED a celebration of the talent and creativity from 2021’s MA students at Birmingham School of Art. PHASED explores links between practice and theory from our five distinct MA Courses: Fine Art, Contemporary Arts China, Arts & Project Management, Arts & Education Practices and Art & Design: Interdisciplinary Practices. As a staff team, we congratulate this year’s cohort in working through exceptional circumstances to share their work, and […]

Peers & Collaborators

Hannah Quill 
Hannah Quill
MA Show 2023
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Adam Wynn
Adam Wynn
#Historian #Storyteller
Lucy Bugg 
Lucy Bugg
MA Show 2023
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Yousef Alasousi
Yousef Alasousi
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art