Zhen Li

MA Courses
Zhen Li
MA Courses
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices
#MA Courses

Through exploration and data collection, the content and form of traditional wedding ceremony in Ningbo, China are expressed in a different way from painting. Using clay and other materials to create a traditional wedding scene.

The submitted content is a hand-made miniature scene of “Ten Miles of Red Makeup” in Ningbo, China. The title is “Ten Miles of Red Makeup” for Ningbo traditional wedding in China.

In this way, more foreigners or young people can understand and show the beauty of Chinese traditional wedding, and can intuitively see the wedding form, the objects used, the food needed and so on. The overall direction of the work is still developing towards the desired goal, and the design scheme or the whole has made good progress and development. During this period, there are still many difficulties, such as wrong selection of materials, failure of tool selection, and collapse due to problems in object structure after the completion of the production.

By using a new way to express the work, I learned to make a miniature scene with clay and wood, instead of painting and making it by computer.

The steps of the work are: firstly, draw a draft to determine the position and height of the whole work, and then independently draw the specific appearance and design of each character object by hand painting, and then use clay to pinch out the character object first and then color it. Finally, the scene is made, and the last step is to put the characters and objects made first.


This is PHASED a celebration of the talent and creativity from 2021’s MA students at Birmingham School of Art. PHASED explores links between practice and theory from our five distinct MA Courses: Fine Art, Contemporary Arts China, Arts & Project Management, Arts & Education Practices and Art & Design: Interdisciplinary Practices. As a staff team, we congratulate this year’s cohort in working through exceptional circumstances to share their work, and […]

Peers & Collaborators

Amelia Fox
Amelia Fox
#MA Arts and Project Management #MA Courses
Jessica Wall
Jessica Wall
#Drawing #MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Josephine Nixon 
Josephine Nixon
MA Show 2023
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses
Inés Leicester
Ines Leicester
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses