MA Shows 2024

Yuxin Xu

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
Yuxin Xu (ins) yx.jessica
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
#MA Arts and Project Management
#MA Courses

Analysis and Research on the Therapeutic Properties of New Media Art Exhibitions 

This project investigates the therapeutic properties of new media art exhibitions, which leverage digital technologies to create immersive, multi-sensory experiences. By comparing these exhibitions to traditional art forms, the study aims to highlight innovations and distinct therapeutic benefits. Using a combination of literature review, case analysis, questionnaires, and interviews, the research identifies key elements such as visual effects, soundscapes, and interactivity that contribute to psychological and emotional relief. The study also analyses how audience participation enhances the therapeutic impact. The goal is to provide practical guidelines for incorporating art therapy into new media art exhibitions, thereby addressing contemporary psychological challenges and promoting mental well-being. This research underscores the potential of these exhibitions to serve as effective therapeutic spaces, enhancing visitors’ overall mental health and emotional well-being. 

MA Shows 2024

The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]

Peers & Collaborators

Nikol Ignatovic
Nikol Ignatovic
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses
Priyadarsini Shanmugasundaram 
Priyadarsini Shanmugasundaram
MA Show 2023
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Takudzwa Chandiwana
Takudzwa Chandiwana
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art #Painting
Shannon Thomson  
Shannon Thomson
MA Show 2023
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses