Everything that is necessary is possible.

Wasfa Asif

MA Courses
Beth Derbyshire www.instagram.com/artbywasfa?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg== Wasfa.Asif@mail.bcu.ac.uk
MA Courses
#MA Arts and Education Practices
#MA Courses

Fragments of the Past, a diasporic workshop.

My project, “Fragments of the Past,” explores human migration. It’s not just about people moving around but also the bits of culture, language, and identity that travel with them. Being part of the Pakistani diaspora, this work gives me a space to think about what home, place, identity, and belonging really mean with others.

To make the dwellings, I invited people to join me and work with recycled materials and make the building they remember growing up in. As we worked we talked about the idea of “Home,” which turned out to be an emotional and flexible concept. Our thoughts were shaped by how cultural buildings look and feel. The main point of this workshop is to think about our experiences, be creative, and be aware of the environment. We learned how to turn simple cardboard boxes and other recyclables into little homes and buildings. It’s a way to connect personal stories with a broader understanding of how migration affects people and the world around us.

I will be running the final workshop for this project on the private view of the MA Show at Margaret St 4:30-6:30 on the 14th of December.

Everything that is necessary is possible.

Everything that is necessary is possible is an exhibition celebrating the talent and creativity from 2023’s MA students at Birmingham School of Art. Working across different media and contexts the show explores links between practice and theory from our five distinct MA Courses: Fine Art, Contemporary Arts China, Arts & Project Management, Arts & Education Practices and Art & Design: Interdisciplinary Practices. We congratulate the MA Students on their end […]

Peers & Collaborators

Amelia Fox
Amelia Fox
#MA Arts and Project Management #MA Courses
Jenna Arnot
Jenna Arnot
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Ellie Rolf
Beth Derbyshire
Everything that is necessary is possible.
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Jessica Ladkin
Jessica Ladkin
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art #Painting