BA Fine Art 2024

Tan Ying Xing

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
Xing Ying
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
#BA Fine Art

My practice revolves around a process-oriented approach which centres on the concept of ‘becoming’, showcasing the interplay between external influences and internal transformations in shaping personal identity. Through accidental gestures and imagined forms, I learn from mistakes, sort through thoughts, and make decisions as I move forward. 

The body acts as a key element in my expression, embodying lived experiences and conveying human complexities. Through abstraction, the figures undergo a process of deconstruction and reconstruction. This aims to decentralize the human experience, shifting focus away from individuality towards interconnectedness, echoing Eastern philosophy. 

By challenging perceptions and transcending boundaries, my work explores the themes of self and otherness. Through changes, I invite viewers on a transformative journey towards the evolution of consciousness, both as individuals, and as a whole. 

BA Fine Art 2024

The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]

Peers & Collaborators

Grace Allen
Grace Allen
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art
Imogen Haskey
Imogen Haskey
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art
Jacob Veale
Jacob Veale
BA Fine Art 2024
#BA Fine Art
Boh Le
Boh Le
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art