Polly Brant

MA Courses
Polly Brant
MA Courses
#MA Arts and Education Practices
#MA Courses
a place for thinking out loud

The work, without you in the space, defeats its true point and purpose. But I will give it a go. It’s an “ordinary and intended for everyone” type of space where you could make it your own and use it as you wish; perhaps to just sit and drink tea or maybe gather with others to make something happen, the space is there for you. Viewing spaces into doing, thinking, being spaces, I explore art as a common; a shared space for everyone and bringing art into the everyday, where it can be relatable and useful in real life. It’s an on-going process of connections that are passed on.

Materials – To make and learn through making (including posters, tufting, collage, textiles).

Space – To be made common.

People – To occupy space and make use of things.

I have tried recreating this idea of common space online through publication and a ‘use as you wish’ reading collection. But nothing compares to the liveliness of people in a real-life space.

A list of influencing statements that restructure ‘social practice’: Gavin Rogers: “people-based practice”, Eastside Projects: “Art as a useful part of society”, Bluecoat’s Hub: “art beyond the gallery, in places that we might not normally expect to see artworks”, Politic of Trespassing: “ordinary, everyday, from everyone and intended for everyone”, Kitty Finer / Allen Kaprow: “situations for a happening should come from what you see in the real world, from real places and people rather than from the head”.


This is PHASED a celebration of the talent and creativity from 2021’s MA students at Birmingham School of Art. PHASED explores links between practice and theory from our five distinct MA Courses: Fine Art, Contemporary Arts China, Arts & Project Management, Arts & Education Practices and Art & Design: Interdisciplinary Practices. As a staff team, we congratulate this year’s cohort in working through exceptional circumstances to share their work, and […]

Peers & Collaborators

Ani Vegh
Ani Vegh
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Homa Homayouni
Beth Derbyshire
MA Show 2023
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Lucy Gow 
Lucy Gow
MA Show 2023
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Hannah Mccabe 
Hannah Mccabe
MA Show 2023
#MA Arts and Project Management #MA Courses