Everything that is necessary is possible.


MA Courses
Beth Derbyshire Md.Islam35@mail.bcu.ac.uk
MA Courses
#MA Courses
#MA Fine Art

 Realism in Contemporary Light, where I invite you to immerse yourself in the intricate world of realism with a focus on contemporary subjects. This collection is a culmination of my passion for portraying indoor elements, including British interiors, windows, doors, and the captivating interplay of light and shadow. Inspired by my time in art school, each painting is a reflection of the emotions, experiences, and inspiration derived from the subjects that resonate with me.

Central to this exhibition is the exploration of changing light pathways within specific rooms throughout the day, offering a vibrant and dynamic portrayal of imaginative possibilities. Delving into chiaroscuro, I experiment with bright colours, modern painting techniques, and linear perspective to express light and shadow in a distinctive form, enriching the visual experience.

My artistic process involves the deliberate use of thick or bold lines on canvas, providing depth and shape to the subject matter. Through experimentation with the psychological effects of changing light paths, vibrant colours in various forms of line drawing highlight subjects on canvas, creating an immersive and emotionally resonant experience. Join me on this visual journey, as each piece contributes to a nuanced understanding of realism in the contemporary world, offering a unique and thought-provoking artistic encounter.

Everything that is necessary is possible.

Everything that is necessary is possible is an exhibition celebrating the talent and creativity from 2023’s MA students at Birmingham School of Art. Working across different media and contexts the show explores links between practice and theory from our five distinct MA Courses: Fine Art, Contemporary Arts China, Arts & Project Management, Arts & Education Practices and Art & Design: Interdisciplinary Practices. We congratulate the MA Students on their end […]

Peers & Collaborators

Fae Kilburn
Fae Kilburn
#Activist #MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Ryan Asbury
Ryan Asbury
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Ian Green
Ian Green
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art
Jacob Carter 
Jacob Carter
MA Show 2023
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art