Past Shows

Kawthar Omar

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
Kawthar Omar
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3

Kawthar Omar is based in Birmingham, UK. Her practise is mainly about a character she has developed over the past 7 years. This character is used to express herself in many ways, a representation of her internal self. She also uses her character to do things she can’t. Kawthar has developed Tsubame’s life, relating it closely to her own life experiences. By creating the first 2 chapters of her manga (Stitched), she helps others understand her better and to enjoy Tsubame’s tale. 

Kawthar uses expressive techniques to show Tsubame’s emotions (Kawthar’s emotions), using paint and thread to cover her workspace. She also does more controlled work, using fine markers and adding digital glow. The dark colours contrasting with bright red is a trait Kawthar enjoys using when drawing Tsubame. It is mainly to show the power and fear Tsubame will hold in Stitched soon. 

Past Shows

The root of the word control is the Latin contrarotulus meaning a register, counter, or record of something. CTRL, an abbreviation of control, is synonymous with a digital key which when combined with other keys, carries out an instruction, a shortcut, an action.  The 2022 graduating BA Fine Art students are a group who are full of ideas and things to say – the issues they are dealing with are both complex and important. Their […]

Peers & Collaborators

Sheryl Hanna-Kumas
Sheryl Hanna-Kumas
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses
Jessica Mansbridge
Jessica Mansbridge
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Roksana Brzozowska
Roksana Brzozowska
Past Shows
Anita Vegh
Anita Vegh
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#Activist #Engineer
A series of burnt wooden floor boards with nails sticking out from them. The wooden planks are lined up against a white background.