MA Shows 2024

Jiratchaya Somyarat 

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
jiratchaya Somyarat Somyarat @jiratcha_ (Instagram) Jiratchaya Somyarat (LinkedIn)
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
#MA Arts and Project Management
#MA Courses

Social Marketing: The Influence of Fan Engagement on Film Promotion.

In today’s digital age, social media has revolutionized the way films are promoted, offering unprecedented opportunities for direct interaction between filmmakers and audiences. Social marketing, particularly through fan engagement on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, has become a crucial component of modern film promotion strategies. This dissertation explores the influence of fan engagement on the success of film promotional campaigns, investigating how various forms of online interaction can drive audience awareness, enhance brand loyalty, and ultimately boost box office performance. By analyzing both successful and less effective marketing campaigns, this study aims to identify key strategies and best practices for leveraging fan engagement in the film industry. Through this examination, the research seeks to provide valuable insights for marketers looking to optimize their social media efforts and achieve greater commercial success in an increasingly competitive market.   

MA Shows 2024

The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]

Peers & Collaborators

Izzie Arrowsmith
Isabella Holder
Past Shows
#MA Art and Design Interdisciplinary Practices #MA Courses
Lin Hua
Lin Hua
Past Shows
#MA Arts and Project Management #MA Courses
Rubab Jawaid
Rubab Jawaid
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art #Painting
Zehui Ju
Zehui Ju
#Activist #Historian #MA Arts and Project Management