BA Fine Art 2024

Graham Green

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
Graham Green
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
#BA Fine Art

In an era dominated by conformity, my artistic practice serves as a poignant reflection on the alarming homogenisation that pervades every facet of our society, leaving an indelible mark on education, social awareness, politics, and the very fabric of our collective tolerance. The palpable repercussions of this homogeneity, from the halls of academia to the echelons of political power, are ubiquitous, manifesting in avarice, self-fulfilment, and a dearth of genuine progress.

Art schools, once bastions of individuality and creative expression, now stand indistinguishable across borders, mirroring the systemic homogenisation that stifles the diverse voices that once flourished within their walls. The art establishment, once a champion of avant-garde thought, has succumbed to a global standardisation that dilutes the raw, unfiltered narratives that art has the power to convey.

With my art, I embark on a journey to expose the insidious effects of these prevailing norms on our present and future well-being. Through a critical lens, I unravel the layers of homogeneity that shroud our world, unmasking the uncomfortable truths that lie beneath the surface. Each stroke of my brush, every contour of my sculpture, serves as a testament to the urgency of breaking free from the shackles of conformity.

BA Fine Art 2024

The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]

Peers & Collaborators

Grace Williams
Grace Williams
BA Fine Art 2024
#BA Fine Art
Yuan Wang
Yuan Wang
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art
Theo-Atlas Lowe
Theo-Atlas Lowe
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art
Fiona Ariffin
Fiona Ariffin
Past Shows
#BA Fine Art