MA Show 2023

Camilla Spadaccino 

BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
Camilla Spadaccino
BA (Hons) Fine Art, Yr3
#MA Contemporary Arts China
#MA Courses

Limits and criticalities of the (so-called) socially engaged village-based rural projects in contemporary China: a study of the Yangdeng Art Cooperative and the Bishan Project 

My project wants to analyse the socially engaged environment in contemporary China, through one of its peculiarities; long-term village-based projects in rural areas. Led by similar urban initiators, with similar aims, and degree of interaction with the state, space-based socially engaged projects in rural villages of China have specific features. Focusing on two long-term, village-based projects, the Yangdeng Art Cooperative and the Bishan Commune, respectively set in Guizhou province and Anhui province between 2010 and 2020 by two urban cultural facilitators, I will outline that they also have some limits and criticalities. Indeed, these are related both to the socio-political and aesthetic side of the practice but also to the projects’ aims, engagement with the communities, display of the artworks, and relation with the state. 

MA Show 2023

The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]

Peers & Collaborators

Jessica Ladkin
Jessica Ladkin
#MA Courses #MA Fine Art #Painting
Nikol Ignatovic
Nikol Ignatovic
#MA Arts and Education Practices #MA Courses
Sianna Addassa McLeod
Sianna Mcleod
MA Shows 2024
#MA Arts and Project Management #MA Courses
Yan Ding
Yan Ding
#Engineer #Historian #MA Arts and Project Management