As an artist, I do not like to limit myself to one material or subject matter due to the fact I get bored easily and like to take myself on various journeys. Taking ideas of gender and self as my basis for many of my works, my projects have spanned through politics, my ancestry, communities and childhood. They have all aided in exploring myself and my relationship to the world. My only aim is that the viewer should make their own meaning behind the work as I believe it is up to them and not to me. Even though I sometimes tackle difficult themes, I always want my work to have elements of fun and playfulness. This often comes from my love of comedy, particularly the surreal and the absurd.
While I began my career as solely a painter, I have allowed myself to grow and discover other mediums which excite me creatively. Most recently, I have turned to sculpture as a way of expressing my ideas, particularly papier-mâché in a means to return to naivety. I enjoy the childishness of papier-mâché and the lack of pressure to make something deemed ‘perfect’.
The view of myself is something which has become increasingly important to me. Whether it be genuine self-portraits, warped perceptions or masquerading myself as someone else. Realism isn’t something I strive for, neither beauty. I prefer things which are whimsical and slightly ridiculous, in the hope that it will make someone laugh. I am not afraid to present myself in a humorous way, whether it be dressing up as a 19th century man or taking on the guise of a fictional character. Art becomes a tool to express myself and so the process is often more important than the final outcome.
I feel the need to collaborate with others. Whether it be through my collaborative art collective Round Lemon or various workshops, creating a community of people who enjoy making art is something which can be both exciting and educational. Working with others allows you to learn new things and experience the world in a different way. Creating alongside children in particular has allowed me to embrace my innocence and adapt my thinking.
The annual Degree Show is a highly anticipated event amongst staff, students, external partners and friends of the School of Art – it provides a platform for the work that the students have spent so long conceiving and producing. The 2023 Degree Show has been realised through an ongoing testing of ideas in public arenas in which the discourse around art practice takes place. This process of realising practice which engages with audiences has over […]